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•   Dianne M. McIntyre (Andruch Handcox)  2018



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1 lives in California
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Nevada
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Virginia
18 location unknown
3 are deceased


•   Lionel C. Johnson  10/29
•   Edward Gnehm, Jr.  11/10
•   Adam Kolker  11/14
•   Bruce D. Peterson  11/14

12th A-100 Foreign Service Class

We all met for the first time on September 29, 1982 in Rosslyn, VA, in SA-19.  Some of us had less than 24 hours to get there. We were the last class of the fiscal year, and many in the Department were doubtful there would be another A-100 class in the near future.  We were sworn in without raising our hands, and our class photo appeared in various mainstream publications for years to come.  Jim M. was the Director of A-100, Kathy P. the Deputy Director, and Yvonne G. was our mother hen who kept everything running smoothly.

We were an unusually diverse group for that time: 14 out of 35 of us were women, for example. The mean age of our class was 27, while for previous classes it was more like 33. Adam K. was the youngest. Kathy A. was part of a tandem when the concept was pretty new. Three of us got married before departing for our onward assignments. Vicki N. was our unofficial mascot, and her mom resigned in the pursuit of happiness before going overseas.

We learned acronyms and abbreviations: MLAT, IROG, JORP, PAR, CDO, Codel, MemCon, and POTUS, to name a few. USIA was still a separate agency, and was changing its name back from USICA. George P. Schultz was the Secretary of State and Ronald Reagan was President. The Tehran hostage crisis was still fresh in our minds. FSI consisted of a scattering of buildings in Rosslyn. LPs and 8-track tapes were still around, but cassettes were the most popular method of storing music.  ATMs were new and State had Wang computers, although the IBM Selectric II typewriter was what most of us used. No cell phones or text messaging. Daisywheel printers and mimeograph machines still were in use. Business attire for women generally followed Dress For Success guidelines, which included wearing a tie.

Phone booths were widely available and it cost a dime to initiate a call. Long distance phone calls were pricey and had to be placed with the operator; direct dial was nonexistent. There was a blizzard in February 1983 that closed the federal government for a day or two. Smoking was permitted in offices and businesses. Security was easier; there was no need to remove our shoes before going through airport x-ray screening, and our family and friends were able to accompany us all the way to the gate to bid us bon voyage. Many of us traveled to our first assignments via Pan Am. We had no idea what a bollard was. One still was able to drive in front of the White House and all the way around the Lincoln Memorial. Hezbollah, Carlos The Jackal, and the IRA seemed to have the terrorist market cornered.

With that introduction, we hope that you will populate this site with your recollections, as we look back with nostalgia to our younger professional lives.